Community Highlight: ICYMI!

Highlighting some of our favorite posts in the MagMod Community on Facebook

Here's some of our favorite posts from the MagMod community! If you want some incredible inspiration and tips, be sure to join the Facebook group here:


Photo By:  Jessica Hughes @PittiesandPiecesPhotography

"I used the MagBox with the diffuser cover on, with 2 speedlites inside remotely triggered."⁠ 

Not only was it one of the favorites in the community, this was also our most liked image on the MagMod Instagram feed for the week. Beautiful! To see the original post, click here.


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Photo By: Fabian Colmenares Latorre @fabianclphoto

Fabian is fast becoming one of the most liked photographers in the community because of his awesome use of colored gels in his images. For this shot here he used two colors, orange and purple. Check out the post to see more images from this fantastic shoot and show Fabian some love for his talented use of color!  To see the original post, click here.

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 Photo By: Arno De Bruijn @arnodebruijn

For this shot Arno used - 2x speedlite Godox V860II + MagGel Blue, 1x speedlite Godox AD200 bare flash, Canon 1dX Mark II + Flashpoint transmitter, 1/160, F/9, ISO 500.  To see the original post, click here.

Arno is one of the most helpful photographers in the community always sharing fantastic photos and lots of information on how he created them. It’s one the reasons he is a MagMod Ambassador. In fact he just started his own YouTube channel where he will be sharing more behind the scenes videos so be sure to go give it a follow as well. Arno's YouTube 


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 Photo By: Ma Eugenia Cuadros @eprovisualvideophotography

Sometimes the supporting actor/actress makes a whole movie. In this case, MagMod played an important supporting role as Ma Eugenia Cuadoros “used the MagSphere and 1/2 CTO to recreate the sun and warmth in the background.” She then used a large softbox up front and to the left to create a soft light on her subject. Incredible photographer out of North Carolina.  To see the original post, click here.

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Photo By: Joe & Jennifer Mackey @jcmphotographyasheville

To achieve this they shot the photo using a tripod with the flash present in the frame, and shot a second one without the flash in the photo so they could easily mask it out in Photoshop later. It seems like North Carolina is producing some of the most talented photographers, because Joe and Jennifer are also based there. Two amazing talents! Here is their description on how they shot this: 

“It was the typical mid day hard light for a wedding ceremony, but it was creating this awesome blue sky.  The groom threw on his shades and I instantly had this idea to make him stand out. I tried to line up the groomsmen symmetrically and then set my ambient. I used a tripod for the shot and got low with my canon 16-35 f/4 to give the groom more presence at the middle of the frame.  Added a touch of light from the MagGrid on full power and the rest is history!”

To see the original post, click here.


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