In the wise words of Andy Bernard, a.k.a NardDog “Oh, it is on, like a prawn who yawns at dawn.”
Today, marked another round of Editing Wars on the MagMod Facebook page.
If you enjoyed the Cool Cats and Kittens from last week’s “Tiger King” theme, you’ll also get a kick out of seeing Kevin, Pam, Angela, Darryl, Dwight and Prison Mike all come together to duel to the death (except not that dramatic) as they edit the same photo. Done in 3-minutes or less! “That’s what she said.”
08:52 – RAW Image 1:
This image was taken by Arno de Brujin.

Elizabeth Lloyd - "Pam Beasley's" Edit

Amber Henry - "Angela's" Edit

Josh Dwain Frith - "Darryl's" Edit

Matt Roberts - "Prison Mike's" Edit

Sean Lara - 'Kevin's" Edit

08:52 – RAW Image 2:
This image was taken by Andy Krieger.

Elizabeth Lloyd - "Pam Beasley's" Edit

Amber Henry - "Angela's" Edit

Josh Dwain Frith - "Darryl's" Edit

Matt Roberts - "Prison Mike's" Edit

Sean Lara - 'Kevin's" Edit

37:04 – RAW Image 3:
This image was taken by Juan Esteban.

Elizabeth Lloyd - "Pam Beasley's" Edit

Amber Henry - "Angela's" Edit

Josh Dwain Frith - "Darryl's" Edit

Matt Roberts - "Prison Mike's" Edit

Sean Lara - 'Kevin's" Edit

46:08 – RAW Image 4:
This image was taken by Chelsea Garner.

Elizabeth Lloyd - "Pam Beasley's" Edit

Amber Henry - "Angela's" Edit

Josh Dwain Frith - "Darryl's" Edit

Matt Roberts - "Prison Mike's" Edit

Sean Lara - 'Kevin's" Edit

01:05:51 – RAW Image 5:
This image was taken by Lydia Judith Castro Navarrete.

Elizabeth Lloyd - "Pam Beasley's" Edit

Amber Henry - "Angela's" Edit

Josh Dwain Frith - "Darryl's" Edit

Matt Roberts - "Prison Mike's" Edit

Sean Lara - 'Kevin's" Edit

01:18:21 – RAW Image 6:
This image was taken by Jared Gant.

Elizabeth Lloyd - "Pam Beasley's" Edit

Amber Henry - "Angela's" Edit

Josh Dwain Frith - "Darryl's" Edit

Matt Roberts - "Prison Mike's" Edit

Sean Lara - 'Kevin's" Edit

That it! Make sure you join us next week in the MagMod Facebook Community!