Top 5 of the Week - October 22

Here's your Top 5 of the week based on your likes and engagement in the Facebook Community and on Instagram. Our minds are blown yet again by this set of incredible images!

1.) Photo by Jared Gant - Instagram / Website

How beautiful is this shot? Wow! Our community sure loved it giving it over 1,100 likes! Here's Jared's explanation of how he lit and took the shot. "We recently had the chance to return to Anthony Chapel in Hot Springs. We love this venue. Shot with an a7R3 and 16-35 GM at 1/200 sec at f/2.8, ISO 100, and lit with an AD-200 at 8 o'clock, modified with a Magsphere + MagGrid."

Products Used: MagSphere and MagGrid stacked

2.) Photo by Shannon Cain - Instagram / Website

This next photo comes from a set of images posted by Shannon Cain - you really have to go see them all. They are all AMAZING! We look forward to having Shannon on an upcoming How I Shot It interview to talk more about her beautiful photos. For nearly every photo, in fact all but one, in the set Shannon used one light (AD200) and the popular MagSphere / MagGrid stacked combo. 

Products Used: MagSphere and MagGrid stacked

3.) Photo by Sasi Harsha - Instagram / Facebook

This week we have seen a number of sets of images posted that just took off in popularity. Here is another one of those that your community absolutely fell in love with, and it's obvious why! 
The photos are by Sasi Harsha and again, you have to go see the entire set of images in the community. They are all so good! Here's Sasi's explanation of the setup. 
"My daughter's school has a ‘book character day’ and she decided to go with a `Bat Girl` costume. I thought it would be a cool idea to take a few pictures of her in the costume and came up with the following looks using off-camera flash in my lounge. All of these were shot with Godox flashes and Magmod gear. I never tried something like this before, so happy with my first attempt.
For this photo here the main light is Godox AD200 in a MagBox @ 1/16th power camera right at 45 degrees, another AD200 with MagMod red gel + MagMask + MagMeam at 1/8 power pointing at a black cloth background, Sony A7III w/ 24-70 GM @ 70 mm f/4, ISO 100 , 1/160."

4.) Photo by Darryl Moore - Instagram / Website

Here's another set of images just posted today that had the community all a chatter about how spectacular they turned out. I can only imagine that Darryl's son is going to cherish these images for a lifetime. To see both of them click here - two very different images, yet used the same lighting setup. Here's how he shot them. 

"Cross lighting work with my son yesterday. Main light: MagBox with 2 AD200s. Hair light: Speedlight with Full CTO MagGel & MagSphere. 1/800, f/4, 85mm, ISO 200 for both images."

Products Used: MagBox and MagSphere

5.) Photo by Esteban Gil - Instagram / Website

To round out our Top 5 we had to share another post that just dropped today but already has garnered over 800 likes and reached nearly 17,000 people in the community in less than half a day. But hey, it's Esteban Gil, and the guy is a photo genius, so it doesn't surprise us! 

High speed sync + Edge of a table = Some really simple detail shoots. Used a Canon R6 with the 35mm RF lens and a MagBox on an AD300 at 1/128th power. 
Here's one of our favorites from the set of 5 images, but once again it's best just to go see them all by clicking here. Quite a set!

Products Used: MagBox
Be sure to join us each and every week on the MagMod Instagram feed and in the MagMod Community on Facebook. We can't wait to see what gets posted this week!
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