The MagMod Community continues to blow our minds with creativity and beautiful photos each and every week. This week we wanted to feature the top five images we shared on Instagram that got the most likes and comments. This would be a good time to remind you, if you aren't already following the MagMod Instagram page, you should!
Each and every day we are sharing the work of incredible photographers using MagMod modifiers on our Instagram feed. The awesome part is we make sure and include in the captions how the shots are created. It's one of the best learning resources out there! Go follow With that, here are the top five images shared there this past week.
1. Photo by Wes Shin - Instagram / Website
This shoe photo by Wes Shin picked up top honors this week as the most liked and commented photo on our feed. What made the post special was the behind the scenes shot that Wes included. To learn more about how the shot was created and see the behind the scenes image be sure to check out this blog post where we share all the information in detail. It is certainly inspiring!
In short, after noticing a reflection on the floor, Wes put on flash on the shoes with a straw gel and a MagSphere / MagGrid combo. He then placed another flash aiming behind the shoes with a CTB gel to make the background blue. Check out this post to see the behind the scenes shot!
2. Photo by David Najera - Instagram / Website
This photo grabbed the attention of a lot of our Instagram followers because of it's beautiful pose and eye-catching vibrant bold colors. David used a MagSphere on the couple to put a touch of light on the couple. Simple but yet so effective and amazing!

3. Photo by Ali Khan - Instagram / Website
If you've been following us on Instagram then you likely remember seeing quite a few images by Ali. He's one of our favorites and his images are always outstanding. They look like they could be featured on movie posters.
For this photo Ali used a MagBox positioned camera left in such a way to illuminate the couple while also getting a little bit of light spill on the dress. Outstanding job!
Modifiers used include the MagBox.
4. Photo by Bhavesh Kalaskar - Instagram / Facebook
If you are getting your feet wet with MagMod this is one of the easiest ways to create super cool and interesting silhouettes for your clients. Just put one flash behind them like Bhavesh did her and add a creative color gel to it. People love these shots.
Where Bhavesh took it to another level was by getting a high angle and using the lights on the ceiling to create a very cool leading line of lights drawing the eyes directly to the couple. So good!
Modifiers used include the MagMod Creative Gel Set.
5. Photo by Justin Pedrick - Instagram / Website
Justin grabbed a slot in the Top 5 this week with this fantastic shot. To see exactly how this was lit swing over to the official post on our Instagram feed and swipe to see behind the scenes.
He lit the couple using one AD200 inside of a MagBox that was positioned close and just over the head of the couple. That was then removed later in post. By using the light on the couple he was able to underexpose the sky a little bit more really bringing out the colors in the sunset.
MagMod modifiers used include the MagBox.
To see more incredible work featured by MagMod users be sure you are a member of our MagMod Community on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Each and every day you will be inspired by what other MagMod users are out there doing!